Monday, December 11, 2006

Our Yearly Christmas Letter to our Clients and Friends

Merry Christmas!

Happy Horridays from Rogues Hollow Productions!

It's been a big and exciting year and now it's almost over! I hope that this letter finds you well and that 2006 has been a good to you. With the trade show season only a couple months away it certainly feels like we're getting less and less of a brake every year so I hope that your able to take it easy this Holiday and find some time to spend with family and friends.

Rogues Hollow had a good year and we're already gearing up for the New Year with new marketing packages, web stores, new sites and more! So without further ado lets get on to business!

Our ever popular web site packages are getting even bigger and better for 2007. We're adding more MySpace and Viral marketing options as well as a heavy duty flash package for those who really want to immerse their audience in the legend of their haunt, band or film.

In the past the FearCast packages have been geared towards haunted attractions. That hasn't changed for 2007 but we realized that these packages would also work very well for other events, Bands, Films, TV shows, and much more. So if you fit in one of those categories, or are a haunted attraction owner then you owe it to yourself to see what these packages are and how they can help promote your business. Visit to view our packages, see case studies about past clients, view examples of web sites, artwork and more!

Past Clients get a discount on FearCast packages if they order before Feb. 10, 2007! Email us from the FearCast web site to find out how much of a discount you can get! Visit Today! Web site Re-design complete! also received a facelift for 2007. We made it easier to get around and added a bunch of content. The Portfolio section has been updated and completely revamped with images of past logo designs, posters, and more along with a pretty complete list of the web sites we've created. Visit to check it out and email us from the site to let us know how we did!

Perhaps you might remember us mentioning a year or so ago? After a lot of fine - tuning we finally opened the store for business! is where you can find Royalty-Free Music that can be used in productions, TV/Film, Presentations, Web sites, Haunted Attractions, events and more! For a one time fee you can download our creepy cinematic music tracks for use in your own projects and never have to worry about paying royalties for the music again. We have a lot of music currently available and even more on the way. Every track will include the fill CD quality track with up to 5 loops for use on sites, DVD menus, presentations.. The list goes on and on. Plus after you pay for a track you can choose to download it immediately or have a CD sent to you with the track and loops on it. So take a look at what we have to offer! Visit now!

Music Production Service Now Available!

Of course we're offering our new FearCast Packages for 2007 but we're also excited to announce some new services as well! The biggest one is Music production! Have you ever wanted to have your own theme for your business, haunt, film, or attraction? Now Rogues Hollow can fulfill that need with award winning custom compositions by our staff music maestro Nery Bauer! Visit for more details or email us to get started!

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. From the staff at Rogues Hollow we wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday season and a safe and fun New Year!

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Big Things on the Horizon

It sure seems like that quiet down time I usually get between the busy Halloween Season and the start of the Tradeshow madness is shrinking each year. Rogues Hollow is already hard at work on websites for several clients and on top of that we're gearing up to promote our New 2007 FearCast services which will include a MySpace and Viral Marketing packages.

After a year in progress we'll be launching officially this Friday. It's an online store that will feature royalty free music that can be used legally on web sites, film/TV, presentations, events, haunts, and much more. The reason for the delay is we really wanted to launch the site with more than a handful of music pieces. Now that we have a large collection ready for launch we're putting a final polish on the site itself and we're ready to rock and roll.

Let me just say that I think people are going to love this music! A lot of it is inspired by greats in the Horror genre, such as Goblin and John Carpenter. We've already set up a MySpace page for it where you can get a sneak peak at a couple tracks before the launch. The MySpace page is a little sparse now but just you wait! Check it out at

By Friday of This week you should be seeing some cool stuff here that will blow you away!

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