Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tis' the Season for Losers to Steal Artwork

I've seen some pretty heinous examples of stolen artwork since starting Rogues Hollow but this one surprised even me. A designer who calls himself "Andy the Great" has stolen an entire site layout, the flash header and even the music from one of my sites! See the side by side below. You can see my site at then see "Andy The Great"'s stolen version at Feel free to email Andy and tell him how great he really is if he cannot even come up with his own website design.

Spooktacular Night Site by Me

Stolen Artwork and flash by "Andy the Great"
Advice for up and coming designers. If you cannot create a site without stealing artwork then obviously you are in the wrong business and don't have any talent whatsoever. So quit now! Stealing art isn't cool and it just proves to the world what a hack you are.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

B-day present from my Awesome Wife!

With my birthday being this Friday my wife just couldn't wait any longer and gave me her gift today. Its a handsomely packaged box of 8 highly delicious Cohiba Black Cigars! Nearly 2 years ago I started getting interested in the cigar thing. Cohiba's have consistently been one of my favorites but I found true love with Cohiba Black. Its a maduro, very rich in flavor and aroma. It makes my house smell awesome. In fact this is the only cigar I'm allowed to smoke in the house. They look so great I just had to share them on my blog. My wife found the perfect gift and that's why she's awesome!

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