Happy Halloween!
For awhile there I thought maybe Halloween would never get here, now that it has it seems like it went by way too fast! Thursday night my town had its annual Trick 'r Treat night and we decked the house out for the event like never before! It was definetly my best yard display thus far. I'm still learning about the best lighting techniques for my yard. Its been a little troublesome due to the fact our house sits high on a hill right in front of a street light which sends a lot of sodium light into our yard. I tried counteracting it with lots of blues this year and It turned out great! But I'm already thinking about next year.
Considering that I've spent the last week fighting a flu like illness and decorated the yard usually with a massive headache and a temperature, I still feel like it came out better than I hoped! I didn't get to do the fog or my hallowindow display this year but it still was a lot of fun! The kids loved it, the parents loved it and my wife and I had a lot of fun and that's what matters. You can check out all the photos here.
I shot some video that I'll try to edit in the next week or so to add to the site as well. I'll also be adding some cool wallpapers to my downloads section this week.
Its been a big busy year for Rogues Hollow and I'm already lining up new work so I feel very fortunate and even though it felt overwhelming at times I still had fun! Thanks to all my clients who made this a great season!
I updated my portfolio earlier in the week, it was a MASSIVE update with over 25 new site links that we've worked on! Lots of cool stuff to see.
If you've emailed me this week I'll be getting back to you Monday or Tuesday. I'm still getting over this flu but starting to feel much better. Thanks for your patience.
Oh, and one last thing, I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween!!