Monday, February 11, 2008

Competition in the Industry

Many times over the years I've been asked: what makes Rogues Hollow Stand out from its competitors. I always cringe a little when I hear this question. Its not because I'm afraid to defend the work I do but more about the nature of the question. A person that asks this question may be asking it with total sincerity expecting to hear some philosophy behind what we do. In those cases I like answering the question. On the other hand there are those that ask the question out of not ever having seen our work. Then there are those who are looking for a discount or a deal on the work. So I want to answer the question now and hopefully cover all the angles of the question. I'll eventually include this on the about page of the site as well.

What makes Rogues Hollow Productions different than our competitors? Our style and the way we do things. Our style has always been more cinematic and suggestive than most of our competitors. My personal philosophy when it comes to dark art is that the less you see the better, the more you suggest with the image makes it have more of an impact. Not everyone would agree with me and there are artists out there that take the "in your face" approach to haunted house artwork. There are others that do more cartoonish or pulp looking artwork. Its up to the attraction owner to decide who they think will do the best job at representing their haunt. Obviously the Rogues Hollow Website has a portfolio that provides many examples of the work we've done in the past. Our competitors also have portfolios if their work. If your making the decision on who to choose you should be looking at the artwork and basing it on what you feel your haunt should have as its image and not on anything else. There are those that expect the designer to give them a discount or do something to entice them to choose them as their designer and those people don't have the best interests of their haunt in mind if this is how their making their decision. You shouldn't be looking for the best deal when it comes the most important aspect of getting people to come to your attraction.

That said our packages are very reasonable considering all they include. We're really a one stop shop when it comes to design, websites, and marketing and its hard to beat all we do. In the future we'll only be offering more and at Transworld we'll be offering a new product in conjunction with another vendor that will further change for the better how you market your haunted house.

We do have a philosophy and its that we are never satisfied with what we do. We never stop innovating or creating new ways to do things. We are always trying to evolve and get better and that's not going to stop. We don't play politics or favorites and each of our clients is a unique individual that deserves our very unique style and ability. Are we perfect? Of course not we make mistakes just like everyone else but we will do our best to make it right if given the chance. That's why we're different and why we have so many clients that continue to come back to us year after year after year.

If you asked us about what sets us apart recently, please don't feel like I'm calling you out on it or anything. I've been asked this question at least a couple times in the last month and I'm sure I'll hear it many more times. I'm not really trying to answer it once and for all but I felt that it really needs to be addressed on this site. Thanks for reading!

So What's next? You'll have to wait and see when you come to Transworld in March!


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