Friday, July 18, 2008

My Concerns about X-Files 2

In 1993 when the X-Files first aired, I was a Freshman in High School and very ready to believe in the adventures of Mulder and Scully. I was hooked on the show before the opening credits even ran. It captivated my mind and kept me hungry for more week after week. I followed the show thereafter religiously and went to see the first movie back in 98' on opening day. Then the show started to become too convoluted with outrageous storylines and a ridiculous arc about Scully's baby. By season 8 I had pretty much given up on the show and missed the final season altogether.

Then last year the rumblings began about a new film that would reunite everyone's favorite FBI agents for another adventure. Enough time had passed and the bad taste of the last couple seasons of the X-Files was a distant memory and so my excitement for this new film was very high. I read up on all the news and leaked info, what little there was, and waited eagerly for the first trailer, which really told me nothing about the film. Now here we are only a week away from its premiere and I still have no idea what the movie is about. The marketing for this film is boring (just look at the poster above) and the TV spots and trailers aren't doing a whole lot to get me jazzed about this film. So I'm more than a little concerned. I know the Chris Carter is trying to keep the story under wraps but it feels like its gone beyond just secrecy on the plot and now I'm worried they're trying to keep the lid on a stinker of a film before it comes out. I really hope this is not the case.

Either way I know where I'll be next weekend. While I'm concerned about the quality of the film the chance to see Mulder and Scully together again is good enough for me for now. I just hope we get a solid outing that doesn't dissapoint.


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