Friday, December 11, 2009

Ghoulish Season's Greetings from Rogues Hollow

Even though I'm not exactly a "Christmas Fan" I do enjoy this time of year. Whenever possible however, I do like to spook it up! I've been doing x-mas related emails each year and just finished up my most recent. If it looks familiar its because I meant it to be an homage to the poster for Halloween 4. I even came up with a cool tagline. Its a movie poster without a movie! You can click on the image for a larger version. Sorry I had to watermark the image. I have had problems with no-good-niks taking my Santa Zombie email image last year and I want to try to avoid the issue this time. If you interested in purchasing this image, licensing it, or buying a poster let me know by contacting me.

Happy Holidays everyone!


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